चतरा: नामधारी ने चतरा के जंगी गाँव से झारखण्ड मोबाइल वाणी को बताया कि चतरा में स्वामी विवेकानंद निबन्ध प्रतियोगिता एवमं औसधिए गुणों वाली पुस्तक का विमोचन का आयोजन ९ जून २०१३ को कर्र्तिक उरांव मेमोरियल उंच विद्यालय में किया गया है.इस कार्यक्रम में मुख्य अतिथि यमुना प्रसाद साहू होंगे साथ ही इस मौके पर कई जानेमने लोग भी उपस्थित रहेंगे.
Chatra: Pawan Kumar called from Romi panchayat, Chatra district to talk about the irregularities in KCC(Kishan Credit Card) distribution in the region. He added that the BDO(Block Development Officer) doesn't show any positive response when the information of irregularities in KCC schemes are shared with him.
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Chatra: Namdhari called from Daami village, Chatra district to appeal for better road connectivity in the region. Sharing his views on the poor condition of the road connecting this region to other places from last three years. He said that many accidents had happened due to the bad condition of the road. He requested concerned Government officials to follow up the issue of bad roads in the region and take urgent steps to develop better road connectivity.
Chatra: Raju called from Chatra district to update about the Sarhul festival festival in Simariya panchayat of Chatra district. He said that the well known festival is celebrated in this region every year with huge fanfare. He informed that the official celebration has already passed but the people are still found engaged in the festivities.
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Chatra: Namdhari called from Chatra district to talk about Women's active participation in agricultural practices. He stressed on the fact that Women is found skilled in all the farming techniques and is always a step ahead of Men.
Chatra: Namdhari called from Chatra to talk about the registration of labours at Panchayat offices. He commented that there is no provision for registration of labours who migrates from the region. Like the passed out students register in the employment exchange, the labours too need to have an official records by registration in Panchayats so that they can also be benefited from Government schemes that comes from time to time.
Nirdhari Rao called from Chatra district to update about the two day Mobile Radio training workshop from the 14th of March ended on the 15th of March at Chatra district. In a closing remark, the former Pricipal of Chatra College Md Ifteqar Alam who supervised the training said that We all need to be united in similar ventures like this and work together for the upliftment of the society. The workshop was attended by participants from four districts across the region.