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Raju Kumar from Simaria block of Chatra distict called up to share with the listeners of JMR about the condition in which the adivasi's are deprived of many facilities. He said that the government should pay proper attention to this particular population living in this area. Although there are several schemes from the government for the tribal people yet such facilities are not available here. So, he requested the government to look into the matter.
Raju Kumar from Simaria block of Chatra district called up to inform the listeners of JMR about the issue of migration. He said, every year after the cultivation season gets over maximum of the people migrate to the cities and other states in search of job. This migration is increasing every year. Most of them are guided by middleman when they are in search for new jobs but later when they want to come back to their native place, the situation gets weird. It is seen that most of the time people who migrate to other states and cities go missing. There are several examples of such cases, Arjun Rana from Nawadah village of Simaria block is missing from last seven years. He migrated to Mumbai in search of job but there are no information about him since then.
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चतरा: राजू कुमार ने सिमरिया प्रखंड के जबरा पंचायत के के नवादा गाँव में शिक्षा की स्थिति काफी ख़राब है यहाँ से आज तक कोई भी ऐसा छात्र नही है जिनका चयन नवोदय विद्यालय में नामांकन हेतु चयन हुआ है। हलाकि देखा जाये तो इन क्षेत्रों से भी पढ़ लिख कर बच्चे अच्छे स्थान पर पहुंचे है। लेकिन विचारनिए प्रश्न यह है कि नवोदय विद्यालय में पुरे राज्य भर से आने बच्चो का चयन किया जाता है जबकि यहाँ से आज तक ऐसा नही हुआ इसके पीछे आखिर क्या कारन है? वे कहतें हैं कि यह जाँच का विषय है इस पर जाँच होना चाहिए।