Raju Kumar from Chatra block of Chatra district called up to inform about the several accidents that are happening on the Chatra-Ranchi Highway. According to him there are no traffic personals appointed in that particular point, to keep a track in that particular road. He concluded saying that many people have lost their lives in accidents particularly in this road, so traffic police should consider the matter more seriously.
Raju Kumar from Chatra block of Chatra district called up to complain about the price rise. He said that to travel 10 to 20 kms, it is being charged 20 rupees. The common people are facing severe financial crises, as the transport fares, prices of food commodities have increased at a shot but the salary of the daily earners remained the same. These people are facing severe hardship to earn their livelihood.
Transcript Unavailable.
चतरा जिला से आर पी शर्मा ने बताया की चतरा जिला में धनतेरस का त्यौहार बड़ी धूम- धाम से मनाई गई! उन्होंने बताया की यहाँ पर ग्रामीण इलाके में लक्ष्मी स्वरुप गे और बैलों की पूजा की जाती है!