Komal Kumari from Patratu block of Ramgarh district called in to inform that girls are not provided all the opportunities. She said that in this century also girls are not considered at par with the boys as in many villages, towns and cities people have this differentiation. She also mentioned about honorable Pratibha Singh Patil who have made her presence felt in the forefront.
Dr. Ashish from Patratu block of Ramgarh district informed about the mismanagement of the Anganwadi Kendra in the Patratu Block. He said that there are two hundred and fortysix kendras which donot perform their duties properly. As corruption is the main reason for the mismanagement. So, he requested that Central and State government should look into the matter.
Dr. Ashish from Patratu block of Ramgarh district called to inform the listeners of JMR about the infrastructure scenario in the district. He said that the distribution of ration card should be done immediately as it is very helpful for the poor people, which is kept pending in his area. The all round infrastructure such as roads, pond , hand pumps should be constructed. He concluded saying that the common people should possess the right to participate in the Panchayat Elections.
Komal Kumari from Nakari colony, Ramgarh called to request for withdrawal of strike. She said that whatever demands the teachers have should be fulfilled immediately, so that smooth functioning of the classes starts once again. The students are facing a lots of problem as their studies are disrupted.
रामगढ: डॉ आशीष कुमार ने पतरातू, रामगढ से झारखण्ड मोबाइल रेडिओ को बताया कि पतरातू प्रखंड के एके पंचायत दक्तु नकारी में अभी तक आधार कार्ड नही बना है और न ही बनने का कोई सुगबुगाहट हो रही है,जबकि प्रखंड के आस-पास के सभी पंचायतों में आधार कार्ड बनाये जा चुकें हैं। अत: वे रामगढ के उपायुक्त और झारखण्ड सरकार से अनुरोध करते हैं कि एके पंचायत के दक्तु नकारी में भी आधार कार्ड बनाने का कार्य शुरू करे और इसके लिए सरकार शिविर लगाये।
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