He need information about the facilities available for the visually impaired in the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities.
I need information about DAISY player.
He want information about keypad mobile.
He want the helpline number of the Meteorological Department
Is there any helpline number to activate voice mail? This time He need to inform them.
श्रोता जानना चाहती हैं कि बॉय फ्रेंड से फ़ोन पर बात कर के पानी निकल जाना क्या सही है?इनका उम्र 18 साल है
He want to know the process of apply bus and train concession card.
Query about AAY and UDID card
He wants to know something bank related from Munnalal Bharti.
He want to learn to play the Harmonium