History of May Day

Judge: Dont you know who is your client??!! Assistant: Hehehe.. Both are Kumars. So bro got confused. VM: aaaa...yea..... aaaaa Your honour... Judge: COntinue... VM: According to Indian Pincode.. Judge: What?? Pincode??!! Assistant: Bro, Pincode is something we write when we post letter. You need to say Penal code in court. VM: (Mind Voice-- Oh Gosh!! AGain I messed it. See how will I manage now.) Your honor according to Indian Pincode 624304 is a pin code of Sanarpatti. Judge: Did I deny that? VM: No Your honor... My client who lives in this pin code area, has just asked this person who lives in 624301 Dindugal area about what is forced labor. Is this a crime my lord? For this, this Panki acted like a monkey and beat him left, right and center. Hence my client should get the answer for his question and he also should get the justice for the beatings he got from him. Judge: Do you know what is forced labour? VM: aaaahhh.. What shal i do if suddenly you ask questions like this your honor? Judge: So first you go and find out what is forced labour. Later you can fight for this case. MUSIC VM: Hey, In which book we can find about forced labour? Assistant: If i knew that, then why would I JOIN AS YOUR ASSISTANT BRO? VM: Its a great insult if I ask other lawyers. Assistant: Bro, there an organisation named Sherin secular social service. Mr James is running that organisation. He is very knowledgeable person, can we ask him? VM: Will he charge us? Assistant: No no.. Regularly he buys tea for me and talk with me bro. VM: Call him right now!!! James: Even though there are many laws for labours, But making a labor to work out of force or making them work for more than the specified time, which is called as OT in english or refusing to give leave, all these things are called as forced labour. This should be completely avoided. As per Indian labour welfare law, it is against law to make a worker to work against their wish. So forced labour is considered as an illegal act.

I am Sudha from Vizhithugal. Till Saturday Adhar camp is conducted. Correction in Name, address, phone number, new adhar registration is happening. Make use of it.

Judge: Dont you know who is your client??!! Assistant: Hehehe.. Both are Kumars. So bro got confused. VM: aaaa...yea..... aaaaa Your honour... Judge: COntinue... VM: According to Indian Pincode.. Judge: What?? Pincode??!! Assistant: Bro, Pincode is something we write when we post letter. You need to say Penal code in court. VM: (Mind Voice-- Oh Gosh!! AGain I messed it. See how will I manage now.) Your honor according to Indian Pincode 624304 is a pin code of Sanarpatti. Judge: Did I deny that? VM: No Your honor... My client who lives in this pin code area, has just asked this person who lives in 624301 Dindugal area about what is forced labor. Is this a crime my lord? For this, this Panki acted like a monkey and beat him left, right and center. Hence my client should get the answer for his question and he also should get the justice for the beatings he got from him. Judge: Do you know what is forced labour? VM: aaaahhh.. What shal i do if suddenly you ask questions like this your honor? Judge: So first you go and find out what is forced labour. Later you can fight for this case. MUSIC VM: Hey, In which book we can find about forced labour? Assistant: If i knew that, then why would I JOIN AS YOUR ASSISTANT BRO? VM: Its a great insult if I ask other lawyers. Assistant: Bro, there an organisation named Sherin secular social service. Mr James is running that organisation. He is very knowledgeable person, can we ask him? VM: Will he charge us? Assistant: No no.. Regularly he buys tea for me and talk with me bro. VM: Call him right now!!! James: Even though there are many laws for labours, But making a labor to work out of force or making them work for more than the specified time, which is called as OT in english or refusing to give leave, all these things are called as forced labour. This should be completely avoided. As per Indian labour welfare law, it is against law to make a worker to work against their wish. So forced labour is considered as an illegal act.

Information about World Printing Day

Vidhya talks about world sight day.

Transcript Unavailable.

ID NO: 2341344

Grievance: I am Chitra. I was working in ST company. My PF was deducted. I am unable to get it. Please help me in getting it. Reply: Chitra told she didnt get PF. We called and spoke to her. She has worked in Koolapatti, ST company. She has worked for 1.5 years. She quit the job in the year 2018. When she went to close PF, the company didnt respond properly. She has payslip but UAN number has not been mentioned. Using PF toll free number we generated UAN number. We have asked her to approach company. If they are not responding well we will ask to approach PF office.

Grievance: I am Karpagam from Yelapakkam. I worked in company. Its been 5-6 years now that I left job. Can I get PF now? Reply: Karpagam has recorded in TK radio that she didnt get PF. Following to that call we spoke to her over phone. Karpagam has worked in Lucas vests company for 3 years. After 6 months she went and asked for PF. The HR was changed so asked to come later. She was given excuses repeatedly. Then she stopped asking it from 2 years. She doesnt have payslip or ID card as proof of employment. The money was transferred in bank. We have asked her to go to company and ask again. And asked her to ask for UAN number. In case if they are not giving we will write letter from PF officer and we will take action. If they have linked adhar card we can tell her the ways to apply for PF.