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I am Randhir giri from the block Daru, I would like to say that there are so many people in our society who do work hard and try to fulfill dreams of their children. I visited 2-3 houses to know what they are doing for they children and what do they want them to become. There are three kind of people live in our society – low, middle and high class. Everything is not affordable to them. People who belong to low class works as laborer to earn livelihood and they provide education till middle or high school from a Govt. school. This is how they educate their children. Middle class people works hard to educate their children till inter – matric, B.A but they are not in the position to do further for their children. On the other hand high class people provide good education and facilities to their children, spends enough money and give a good environment for education to their children for example sends to hostel. They spend all their money-savings on the quality education of their children and send their children out for further study. Their children then become doctor or engineer. High class people are capable to do all this. Middle class people try hard but lack of facilities becomes constrain in education. Apart from this, low class people are capable to earn their food only, they don’t earn much. They say their poor condition don’t allow them to get education. However middle class try to break all barriers, they say they want to provide quality education and want to see bright future of their child, for this they try whatever is in their hand.
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