Journey of Alok a SCI who works in an MNC. He is a motivated person to many disabled persons. We have to learn more things from him.

Babu -PD Tailoring unit after training at RUDSETI, Audio by PRS

Shantanu – Livelihood after training. He work on a machine operator and he goes to talk about marriage with his would be father in law.

Case study Manoj HI trained in EI

Case Study of Sharuda HI Audio by PRS

Case study of Lokher HI. recorded by PRS

Malani Chib CP shares her experiences. Bookmark ID 597027

Story of Prema - HI, JSSPDA trained at EI. Audio by PRS

Story of Palash with Multiple Disabilities, story from EI recorded at PRS

Bokul PD Bank loan story EI content recorded by PRS