Turning Challenges into Opportunities story from the case studies of RLM team 489391

Life experience of Locomotor disability, name Manoshi, 80% disability, hand me problem, leg ke help se likhe maths pe aur science me accha marks mila

Life experience of Dolly parihar 683720

Basavaraj's life took an unexpected turn when he suffered a spinal cord injury and was left with locomotor disability. story from RLM and Audio by PRS bookmark- 680218

Story of Basangowda (SCI) an expert in mobile repairs bookmark- 789284

Tapas HI Placement in Manufacturing audio by PRS

Karunalbhai is a blind person. He brought up in a cultural family.He finished his higher studies in sanaskrit language.Karunal bhai achieved divyang puraskar by president .

Purn Sundari-Civil Exam Information, story by Neela Didi, Audio by PRS

Life journey of kamal kant,SCI series 3,Kamal kant went into depression after injury .he used to think of committing suicide.his elder sister always understood him.

Kamalakanta, SCI series 2. I was a volleyball player while playing my leg slipped, and I fell down.