16th December get together with old student in Narendrapur Ramakrishna Blind Boys Academy
Rajiv Dey Suggested to do cooking spice business for visually impaired person
Nikita is not persons with disability but he want to share a visually impaired girl story
Is it possible to treat tremors of hands and other parts of the body when someone is angry, he answer this question he is physiotherapist.
talk about why Ultra scenography is important
Bablu biswas searching for job, 12th pass.
He has blind disability, education qualification graduate.
Bhabesh soren want some work to be self dependent. He is spinal cord injury person he is 23 years old./ Added to CS list
celebration international disability day at Olatpur hospital in Odisha. He participate this program and enjoyed he sharing his happy moment with everyone.
Bhabesh soren is spinal cord injury person he has no comfortable and accessible wheelchair, he want to know where he get a accessible wheelchair.