बोकारो: बोकारो जिला के चन्द्रपुरा प्रखंड से कैलाश गिरी ने बताया कि बोकारो जिला में तीन दिवसीय सहिया प्रशिक्षण कार्य २१ नवम्बर से शुरू हो गया है. वे बिजली के समस्या पर बोलते हुए कहतें हैं कि जब उपायुक्त कार्यालय में बिजली घंटों गुल रहती है तो पुरे जिले की कैसी स्थिति होगी?

Kailash Giri from Chandrapura block of Bokaro district called up to inform the listeners of JMR about appointment of Jal Sahiyas. After the Panchayat Elections last year, a decision was taken that Jal Sahiyas would be appointed in the Rehenu villages. Rehenu village is a term provided by the government under which some villages with nearest geographical location are marked. So, in the Paplo Panchayat there are two Rehenu village namely Paplo and Janori. In Paplo the appointment was completed whereas in Janori it is yet to be done. An amount of rupees 3,1500 was provided to each panchayat but they couldnot spend the sum. This delay of work is also questioning the authenticity of work of the K.N.Jal Swachta Vibhag. He concluded by saying that the speed of work speaks it all about how much initiative the Panchayat is taking to appoint the Jal Sahiyas.

Kailash Giri from Chandrapura, Bokaro district informed that after the Panchayat election people believed that corruption would decrease and development would speedup in the area. In the Charwi Panchayat Anganwadi Kendra, a report of mismanagement was lodged which was supposed to be solved within a month's time but it is still pending. The believe that the villagers had that corruption and mis-management would come to an end, and the development would speedup is a far off dream now.Even there are complains regarding the mid day meals in various Anganwadi Kendras. Various residents of Chandrapura namely Mr.Sunil, Anita Devi,Saju Devi, Mohan Mahto all of them expressed that corruption didnot come to an end rather it increased. Kailash Giri requested the Social Welfare Minister to look into the situation and take action accordingly.

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बोकारो:बोकारो जिला के चन्द्रपुरा प्रखंड से कैलाश गिरी ने एक कृषि प्रशिक्षक बोधि राम महतो से बातचीत की जिसमे उन्होंने कृषि से सम्बंधित तरह -तरह की जानकारी दिए.

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बोकारो:बोकारो जिला के चंद्रपुर प्रखंड से कैलाश गिरी का कहना है कि तारनी पंचायत के आंगनबाड़ी केंद्र संख्या