बोकारो से कैलाश शिवचन ने झारखण्ड मोबाइल वाणी को बताया की चन्द्रपूरा प्रखंड के नर्रा पंचायत के भवन में आदर्श ग्राम विकास सेवा समिति की बैठक प्रखंड समन्वयक धनु महतो की अध्यक्षता में हुई जिसमे आठ मार्च को महिला दिवस सफलता पूर्वक मानाने का निर्णय लिया गया. जिसमे आठ महिला स्वम् सहायता समूह की महिलाओ ने भाग लिया. ग्रुप के सदस्यों को चंद्रपुरा वेलफेयर सेंटर में सुबह 10 बजे जमा होने की बात कही गयी.इसमें पंचायत प्रतिनिधियों एव बुद्धिजीवी वर्ग के लोगो को आमंत्रित किया गया है.

Kailash Giri from Chandrapura block of Bokaro district called to inform the listeners of JMR about the death of a patient due to error in medication. He informed that, after the patient was operated the health deteriorated bringing death to the patient. Although the doctors didn't comply with the fact.

Kailash Giri from Chandrapura, Bokaro district called to talk about women empowerment initiatives by the government. Women now finds several schemes being tailor-made for their upliftment at par with men like self employment generation mission, Anganwadi centres creation, wage earning through MNREGA ,reservation in Panchayat elections etc. There are also social activist and non-profit organizations voicing the oppressed issues of women and making an effort to bring a difference. He concludes saying that an inclusive approach is required to address women related issues in both rural and urban areas together.

बोकारो: चन्द्रपुरा प्रखंड,तेलों, बोकारो से संदीप कुमार ने झारखण्ड मोबाइल वाणी के माध्यम से कहते हैं कि यहाँ की महिलाओं को कोई दर्जा नही दिया गया है लोगो का कहना है कि महिलाये कुछ नही कर सकती हैं लेकिन ऐसा नही आज के दौर में महिलाएं किसी भी मामले में, किसी भी क्षेत्र में पुरुषो से पीछे नही हैं वे पुरुषों के साथ उनके तरह हर काम को कर सकती है. बस जरूरत है तो सिर्फ इतना कि उन्हें उनके जिम्मेदारी की एह्सास दिलाना.

बोकारो: चंद्रपुरा, बोकारो से पूजा कुमारी ने झारखण्ड मोबाइल वाणी पर एक गीत प्रस्तुत किया है.

बोकारो: चन्द्रपुरा, बोकारो से सुलोचना देवी ने झारखण्ड मोबाइल वाणी पर एक लोक गीत प्रस्तुत किया है.

Kailash Giri from Chandrapura, Bokaro district called to update the listeners of JMR about the ongoing preparations for the International Women's Day being organized by Gyan Vigyan Samity in Narayanpur on the 8th of March. Sources from the same Samity informed about their plan of inviting women from various panchayats to participate in an array of exciting events lined up for them on women's day. While concluding the report, Giri added that on this occasion many Women's welfare Groups intend to celebrate the day together.

Asha Kumari form Chandrapura, Bokaro district called to inform the listeners of JMR about anomalies in Panchayat offices. She expressed her personal experiences of gender bias in the region she belongs where women mukhiya of panchayats face discrimination from their own husbands, who replace them in the panchayat offices. Women are not allowed to deal with panchayat office procedures and meetings as their husbands are not much liberal towards their participation in rural politics.

Ram Chandra Prasad Sinha, Chandrapura from Bokaro district called to express grievance with the listeners of JMR about the political imbalance in the panchayat elections in the region he belongs. He stressed his anger on the male chauvinism that exist in his village which prohibits women from practicing their political rights. He concludes saying that the so called women empowerment propaganda is a failure even with 50 percent reservation for women in the panchayat elections if men do not show respect for women's rights and responsibilities.

Kailash Giri from Chandrapura, Bokaro called to inform the listeners of JMR about political participation of women and their empowerment. He stressed that though there have been some initiatives from the government by giving 50 per cent reservation to woman in Panchayat elections, but at the same time there have been instances where the husbands of the elected women candidate presume charge of the village in place of their wives. Giri requests people to vote such women who are already active in the development sphere of the village as choosing them as leaders would make a lot of difference. He concluded by saying that women's empowerment will be achieved in real sense only when both men and women understand and respect each others rights and responsibilities.