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Krishna Kumar Mahato shared a song on Holi in Khotha dialect.

Krishna Kumar Mahto from Narra Panchayat, Chandrapura Block, Bokaro district called up to share his thoughts on women and their share of work in farming. He says that women and men compliment each other on farming related tasks. Elaborating more on the matter he informs that as men sow the seeds, women take out the seeds of Dhan. While Men plough the fields to prepare the farm land, women transplant the rice crops. He explains how women perform the manual tasks of harvesting the yield and how men using their mechanized equipments collect the yield and carry it back to the godowns. He acknowledges the manual labour put in by the women members of the family by saying that of the entire work of farming, women take care of more than 50 percent of the work.

कैलाश गिरी चंद्रपुरा बोकारो से झारखण्ड मोबाइल वाणी को बताया की बोकारो जिले में होली का पर्व दो दिन यानि २७ मार्च एवं २८ मार्च को मनाया जा रहा हैं जिससे होली का रंग फीका नजर आ रहा हैं.शहरो में २७ मार्च एवं गावं में २८ मार्च को होली मनाया जा रहा हैं.होली के अवसर पर कई जगह मटका तोड़ने का कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया गया हैं एवं लोग परम्परिक तरीके से इस कार्यक्रम को मना रहे हैं.

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Krishna Kumar Mahto called from Chandrapura, Bokaro to forward his Happy Holi wishes to the listeners of JMR. He also presented a song with flavors of Holi for the listeners of JMR.

कैलाश गिरी चंद्रपुरा बोकारो से झारखण्ड मोबाइल वाणी पर बताया की २६ मार्च को दुग्ध कोल्यरी आवासीय यूनियन कार्यालय में होली मिलन समारोह का आयोजन किया गया जिसमे सभी लोगो ने एक दुसरे को अबीर गुलाल लगाकर बधाई दी.

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Transcript Unavailable.

Kailash Giri from Chandrapura, Bokaro called up to share his opinion on the issue of Water Pollution and Conservation. He says that the main reason for water pollution is that the factories in Jharkhand dump their poisonous wastes in the water bodies near which they are situated. Giving an example he says that there is a Coal Washery of BCCL (Bharat Coking Coal Limited) that washes coal for its treatment and discharges the water containing coal impurities (without any treatment) to the nearest river source, thereby polluting the water. Similar instances are observed with Bokaro Steel as it discharges coal ash, oil without any treatment into water. He claims that this is the primary reason why all the rivers of Jharkhand are getting polluted. People who drink water from these sources fall prey to various diseases. He requests the government to take lead on this matter by strictly enforcing the rules and regulations in order to save water from getting polluted. He concludes his message by giving a suggestion to the government to ask the refineries and factories to re use the water within their plants so that the water that fresh water is not polluted.

सुखदेव पाण्डेय नवाडीह बोकारो से झारखण्ड मोबाइल वाणी को बताया पर होली की शुभकामनाये देते हुए लोगो से अपील की है की २८ मार्च को होली सोहाद्रपूर्ण माहोल में मनाये एवं लोगो की भावनाओं का ख्याल रखे तथा गलत रंगों का प्रयोग न करे जिससे किसी भी तरह का किसी को नुकसान हो.