"I helped 25 people with disabilities get jobs through Vaani" Anand’s story from 'The Vaani Effect' a collection of the stories of beneficiaries of the Vaani platform. Audio by PRS.

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The Deendayal Disabled Rehabilitation Scheme (DDRS) is a Central Government program that helps people with disabilities live independently and participate in society.

National Awards and Scholarships for persons with disabilities & Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship (RGNF)

The National Fund for Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) is a fund created by the Government of India to provide financial assistance to people with disabilities.

Divyangjan Swavalamban Yojana is a scheme that provides financial assistance to people with disabilities to start or expand income-generating activities

ADIP scheme that helps people with disabilities get aids and appliances, The Scheme of Assistance to Differently Abled Persons for Purchase/Fitting of Aids/Appliances

Schemes for people with disabilities by GOI

Enable India's Vision: A Life Of Dignity For Persons With Disability! Enable India a nonprofit. Organization was founded by Shanti Ragavan and Deep Sutarya in 1999.

Vaani - Awareness