Namma Vaani to the rescue story of Mallikarjun from Yadgiri Karnataka I made life easy for my mother & sister by getting gas connection, pension and government documents! Bookmark ID

"I helped 25 people with disabilities get jobs through Vaani" Anand’s story from 'The Vaani Effect' a collection of the stories of beneficiaries of the Vaani platform. Audio by PRS.

UDID card query contact 01124365019

Needs to know how to get UDID card

The Deendayal Disabled Rehabilitation Scheme (DDRS) is a Central Government program that helps people with disabilities live independently and participate in society.

National Awards and Scholarships for persons with disabilities & Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship (RGNF)

The National Fund for Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) is a fund created by the Government of India to provide financial assistance to people with disabilities.

Divyangjan Swavalamban Yojana is a scheme that provides financial assistance to people with disabilities to start or expand income-generating activities

ADIP scheme that helps people with disabilities get aids and appliances, The Scheme of Assistance to Differently Abled Persons for Purchase/Fitting of Aids/Appliances

Schemes for people with disabilities by GOI