I am Rajeshwari. I am studying in 12th. Lessons has been reduced to 40% so we are able to study well. By conducting tests we are able to study well. I will prepare well for board exam and secure good marks. We will write exam by following the norms of Corona.

id, 2435966,2438360, I am Thangamani. My husband is a sanitation worker from 25 years. He goes for work at 5:30 am and comes back at 11 am. Again he goes at 1:30 pm and comes back at 5:30 pm. He gets monthly wages. During corona he had more work load. He gets body pain. He has lumps on his body after going for this. We went to many hospitals. My son studies in college. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Song by a Child. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am Sivagami. I work in Ramraj cotton. My timings are 9 to 7. I go to work by company van. All safety measures are followed in our company. 500 workers work there. i am listening to radio regularly. Information about labour laws were very useful.

I am Kanimozhi. I am a cooley worker. I get 200 to 300 per day. My husband does wiring work. My kids are going to school. They are studying well. Sudha: Do listen to the programs of our radio and record your views.

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1) For the 3rd time gas cylinder price has been increased in February month. The price of per gas cylinder is Rs.810 2) Retirement age has been increased from 59 to 60 by TN govt. 3) More than 50 people gathered near CM house condemning the fraudulent in gangman selection. 4) Compulsory 7 days home quarantine is must for people coming from Kerala and Maharashtra. 5) In the Sivakasi firecrackers incident 5 workers have lost life. The owner and 2 others have arrested. Injured 16 have been admitted in Madurai and Sivakasi hospital. 6) More 50% buses are plying in midst of transportation strike. 7) 9th to 11th students are declared as all pass without exam due to corona.

GK information by Nathiya from Mangalapuram.

I am Koushika. CP meeting was conducted and we discussed about kitchen garden.

Song by Shanmiga Anganwadi student.

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Song by Sailesh

I am Priya. If you are not given leave in your work place, its wrong. I got to know that there is a law which says workers should not be forced to work.

I am Sudha from Vizhithugal. Till Saturday Adhar camp is conducted. Correction in Name, address, phone number, new adhar registration is happening. Make use of it.