smart walk, smart stick details, needs electricity connection
He want information about free electric facility and smart cane for the blind in Delhi.
He gave information about all kinds of books being available at low prices for blind people in Dehradun
Arvind from UP is replying and informing that B.Ed can be done from Lucknow, Chitrkoot university or NIVH Dehradun
Replying to one of the user who wanted to B.Ed you can contact NIVH and apply for your course.
He need information about whether there is a blind school in Pratapgarh or not
He need such a blind hostel where they can learn something and also earn some income.
Answering telling the location for getting talking watch. Leena Talking watch is available in Chandini Chowk, Gupta market Delhi
He is giving information about where and how disabled people can get assistive devices.
Answering, can get Braille books from Deheradun and from press. Leena