Order for food from home Domino’s customer service, you can dial Domino’s contact number, i.e., 1800-208-1234

He is saying to encourage each person with an education.

Sahrukh from UP is seeking job in Dona Pattal, POP or packaging field.

He need information about where Donna Patra works.

Answering to Manish that he can get sim and shared his experience. Leena

Information he is going to tell about Manish Kumar. Leena

He has given information about the amount of increase in Uttar Pradesh handicapped pension.

Answering , of BSNL. talktime and network pakage. Leena

caller tune 56700 for ₹153/- BSNL 1503

Replying to one of the user about Caller Tune. He is saying there will be some charges for caller tune.