Information suggesting that V.I. person icon is Braille so keep the Pocket frame always with you. Leena

Information Music concert on 11, 12, 13th of April 2025 had to pay 1100 Rs. Leena

Information suggesting calling and registering the names of the given number for music concerts in Ayodhya. Leena

Answering giving all the numbers of mobile Vaani. Hamari Vaani number. 9266344222. Leena

Information who are interested to sing or read poem can register their names to the given numbers from 20 February to 1st March. 8800517881, 9608612009. Leena

Query to Dimple and Munna Lal requesting to give the Braille Patrika number. Leena

Appreciation for publishing the Prayagraj discription audios. Leena

Answering the method of listening India Pakstan news in school at home. Leena Technical Information

cricket commentary on school at home dial 29/26

Details of Kavi Sameelan competition at Dhritibathit pragati seva sansthan Ayudhya on April 10-13 to registration call 8800517881 Balchand Upadhya/ 9608612009 last date to register 20th Feb '25