Arun Yadav mentioned about Verma who is slowing turning blind, please let us know what help he requires

a teacher who can provide support for the admission of a blind child

Query needs all information calendar of 2025. Leena

Answering to Avantika suggesting the places for learning Music. Leena

Answering to Avantika suggesting the the Music training places. Leena

He wants to know where he can get the Braille script for the Disability Act of 2016 and the Constitution of India.

Information is given in it about whether a visually impaired person should take ATM and cheque book or not

Information, who are in need of Braille watch can contact him. Leena

He has three-four Braille watch he wants to give them to others today. Those who need them can contact him.

Information for SBI. account holder, gave the online balance checking number. Leena 1800112211/18001234