Answer about SIM car buying for visually impaired

Jijogevirava from Alipurduar he feedback for Khakhon Mir information about Ashram for persons with disabilities.

Expressed his opinion in favor of braille

Jiajogirava from Alipurduar he shares his opinion about ragging.

Is it possible to treat tremors of hands and other parts of the body when someone is angry .

Why all state disability pension amount are not same.

Thanks to Amader Vaani for share 4 state disability amount and also he want to know why all state disability pension amount are not same.

Narendrapur Ramakrishna Blind Boys Academy provide training for 7th pass student .

Matri Chaya Sangsthan contact number 9832049739, Ajay Agarwal.

Matri Chaya Sanstha of North Bengal Siliguri, 9832049739 Ajay Agarwal