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I am Ponnusamy. I am here to tell you an information about Local and Internal Complaints Committee. In India 90% of labours are unorganised labours. They are the owners for 50% of country's production. There is a lack of proper and enough labour laws to give justice to unorganised labours. Its been 16 years that Govt has implemented Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. 4th section emphasis to form internal complaint committee by Dist officer. Only after 6 years i. e May 22nd 2019 women and child welfare ministry reminded Govt and private sector to form internal complaint committee. It is clear that in any workplace it is not available. Now we should keep in mind the plan on merging 44 labour laws into 4 laws. So all union who work for unorganised workers, check whether ICC for unorgansed workers has been formed. Who are the officials who are members in it. Only then you can complain about sexual abuses happening with women. On behalf of TLRF i request all union to do it.

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1) Farmers protest against farm bill steps into 72 day. 2) Under central Govt's Skill Development Program 11600 people from TN underwent training and among them 5690 got the job. 3) TN Govt plans to increase retirement age from 59 to 60. 4) Central Govt says there is no plans to introduce new pension plans for retired people. 5) 133000 frontline workers has been given corona vaccine in TN. 6) Central Govt says due to one country one ration card scheme 69 crore people have been benefitted. 7) Child rights associations says this budget has reduced the fund for children compared to last 10 years.

I am Vidhya from Vizhithugal. There are different kinds of workers in Ekalikoil village. Among them construction workers, unorganised workers were given awareness about welfare board. We told about how to get it, whom to approach etc. All the workers are taking efforts to join welfare board.

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1) TN Election commission head Sathya prakash says if differently able people are willing to cast their vote by post they can do it. 2) Operation smile for missing, and for the rehabilitation of children has been started in Kallakudichi Police commissioner. 3) High court asks what are the action taken on the order for honor killing. High court passed order to TN Govt to answer on the action taken for honor killing. 4) 340 workers across country has died due to manual scavenging in last 5 years. TN stands 2nd in the list says Central Govt. 5) 9 crore of compensation will be given to farmers under crops insurance says Pondicherry CM Narayana Samy. 6) Thozhi project started by commission Mahesh Kumar for the children and women affected in sexual assault. 7) 10426 corona vaccination was given yesterday in TN says health ministry.  

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1) 8058 crona vaccination has been given in TN says health ministry. 2) Many leaders commented that new budget is corporate friendly and its totally not useful for micro - macro business, entrepreneurs, farmers, poor and middle class. 3) Operation smile has been introduced by Chennai Police for the welfare of missing children, road side children, kidnapped children and children who need help. 4) Public exam for 10th, 11th and 12th will be conducted in the month of June. Time table will be released after the approval of CM. 5) 162 doctors, 107 nurses, 44 Asha workers has lost their life due to corona. 6) Population census has been postponed to 2022. 7) GO has been passed to give rs,40 lakhs for the Govt employees to construct house.

I am Sudha from Vizhithugal. In Vandu murugan the laws related to women from being fetus till the death was explained. It was really useful. Please share many such information.

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1) Frontline workers of TN will be given corona vaccine from now on. 2) It proposed to restrict tax exemption for the interest income earned on the employees' contribution to various provident fund to the annual contribution of Rs 2.5 lakh. This restriction shall be applicable only for the contribution made on or after April 1, 2021. 3) In 2021-2022 paper less budget Private companies are given importance. But no interest reduction has been mentioned in micro and macro business. 4) In last 10 years, 8010 children were missing from Chennai among them 7994 were found by Police says collector Mahesh. 5) Salary hike for part time teachers from Rs.7500 to Rs.10000. 6) Salem boy has topped in CA examination.

Vidya Talks About Kalpana Chawla

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1) Polio camp was conducted on Sunday across India. 89 lakh children who are below the age of 5 have been given the drops says MHA. 2) Budget for the financial year 2021-2022 has been submitted in Parliament. 3) Rajeev Ranjan appointed as new Tamil Nadu Chief Secretary. 4) Pottery workers of Pudukottai are requesting to install pottery industrial hall. 5) Chennai high court passes order to TN Govt to answer on the case filled by TN Doctors to pay salary as central Govt doctors. 6) Schools reopens for class 9and 11 from February 8th. 7) Namakkal dist collector says from today onwards every Monday grievance redressal meeting will be held at Namakkal collector office premises.