Rukmani, Kannamma,Dhanalakshmi, Rangal from Minnakatupalayam says Judge mam attended the DLSA meeting and told about laws, when was Indian constitution created etc. Thanks to Vizhithugal
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I am Sudha from Vizhtihugal. Story in NSS was good. We should do all things with self confidence. We are eager to hear many such stories through this radio.
I am Ranga from Ekalikoilmedu Thanks to Vizhithugal for giving scholarship for my daughter. It made us happy.
ID NO: 2341703. I am Maheshwaran i work in company as tailor. Now work is regular. During corona work was not regular. We are celebrating World Disability Day. We celebrated happily. I am getting all benefits from Govt.
I am Vidhya. I heard story in NSS. It was really good. If we try for something with full confidence and trust we will accomplish it. Thanks to TK radio.
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ID NO: 2342226, 2342262.
ID NO: 2341344