I am Adv. George Marx from TLRF. Everyone are eagerly waiting for April 6 TN assembly election. I am regularly recording about the interesting facts about elections. Now we are directly electing the representatives to Assembly and parliament. The department does this is called as election commission. This was formed in the year 1950. Even during the times of Britishers elections was conducted in our country. Now people who have completed the age of 18 are eligible to vote. But in earlier days without voting rights it was divided into provinces. Now the states are divided on the basis of the language they speak. Those who speak Tamil are in Tamil Nadu, those who speak Malayalam are from Kerala state. Earlier it was called as Provinces and these provinces were ruled by viceroy and Governor. And they were not selected by people rather they were nominated and not all who have attained certain age dont have the right to vote. Those who have assets, those who are paying land tax, those who own land, those who have finished their graduation can only vote. Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar was the first person to voice on giving voting right to everyone. After his this demand, people's representatives should be elected was considered. The round table conference Dr. Ambedkar took part and said all the age attained citizens of India should be given the right to elect their representative. This was criticized by many saying what an illiterate, poor and person without land will do by voting. And many condemned the suggestion of voting right to all age attained citizen. Especially our Father of Nation Gandhi condemned this concept of voting right for all. Later Dr. Ambedkar withdrew his statement and came up with the new proposal of voting right for age attained scheduled caste and tribe people. Britishers accepted this and gave voting right to age attained scheduled caste and tribe people. After that on January 26th, 1950 voting right was given to all age attained scheduled caste and tribe people and all age attained Indian citizens. Till then not everyone had the right to vote. For this the only person who fought was Dr. BR Ambedkar. After 1950 how elections happened? how elections are happening? who were election officers? Lets see all these in forth coming episodes.