He want to how to get a business and also want to know why did not give business loan to a disable person

He has said that all the disabled people should request the government to get the UD ID card, the consolation that is found in all the busses.

Wants the formalities to get the Metro card AND rectiification in documents

He asked how to get his provisional certificate from Delhi University.

He suggested how to corrections your marksheet in board office.

बचन सिंह राणा स्कूल की जानकारी मांग रहें हैं?

इकबाल हुसैन उत्तर प्रदेश से ब्लाइंड गर्ल्स स्कूल के बारे में बता रहें हैं

रोहित उत्तराखंड से पूछ रहें हैं की दिव्यांग को नगरपालिका से घर या जमीं मिलता है क्या?

UK se Sanjay ji puch rahen hain ke kya wiklaangon ke liye nagar nikay, nagar palika, nagar nigam, zila panchayat etc me aarachan hota hai?

Sushil Bageshwar,[U.K.] se Deepak se jankari mang rahe hai ki universal card ban rahe hai.