He need information about how many days it will take to change the name in the UD ID card.

Deepak from Haryana is asking from which place in Haryana he can get the GK journal book.

To take admission in Delhi, they need information about whether CUIT test has been conducted or not.

He is asking whether the form for admission in Delhi Open MA is out or not.

Feedback for Munalal Bharati

Deepak from Haryana is asking when will be result of 10th and 12th of CBSC board is going to be announced.

He wants to know whether the forms of B.A and M.A are out in the open or not.

He is asking Poonam what is taught in the institute for blind people in Rohtak, Haryana.

He has recorded his feedback for Sonu Gupta

He wants to know whether the form for open B.A. and M.A. course has been published or not.