He gave information about how UPI of a visually impaired person will be made and how the money transfer will be done.

Information, providing Punjab music center NO.01632227768, 9023061848, Sita ram 9479897829 Leena

Answering the method of taking loan. Leena

Ashok from Haryana is replying with information regarding opening a petrol pump.

Answering about the method of using Tablet device. Leena

Answering to Deepak of applying for different Ration card. Leena

Answering, can get all NGO number from Just dial not any other options. Leena

Answering, giving Music and Adyathmic teacher contact No. Leena

Appreciation and Feedback to Samarthnum trust to put the braille stickers on Delhi platform from 1 platform to 16th platform. Leena

Answering to Adarsh, the reason and procedure of Jandhan Yojana. Leena