Shivlochan wants UDID card help line number

Sivlochan is saying he is facing issue in submitting the online application for national scholarship. He wants to do PGDCA.

Sivlochan from Chhattisgarh is asking Dimple that Low vision can get concession in train ticket or not.

He need information about Education Query Related.

He has told that he had filled the form in NIBH to get a mobile laptop for free but not received yet.

Shivlochan from Chhattisgarh is informing that result of SSC MTS has been declared on 7th October.

Dhaneshwar from Chhattisgarh is asking about his pension in Chhattisgarh.

Want to Know About Itell Mobile Phone

Want to Know About One Plus Mobile Phone Comfortable for Blind

Need information about is one plus mobile suitable for VI people or not ?