Answering the solution of white hair. Leena
Query needs information in which fields V.I. person can work. Leena
He wants to know about through keypad mobile how to transfer the money.
He wants to hear new audio and also raised a question about phone pay and Google Pay and the difference between them.
Sharing the information about having a UDID and the benefits. You need to have a bus pass and other documents.
A query needs information on the difference between smart and vision glasses. Leena
Answering of giving Bank of India help line number. 18001031906. Leena
Rajiv from UP is replying with explanation of Audio ID in Hamari Vani and Gpay PhonePe working in keypad phone.
Answering the method to apply for Ayushman card. Leena
Replying to user about school and where he can get admission. and also appreciating users who have given him E card.