Jilajit from UP is responding with talk back process in phone.

He given Information about Free Accommodation for Student.

He given information about free hostel and music teacher vacancy,

Diwali Wishes around 40seats available for disabled/needy PwDs Bhiwani Haryana, Kabirdas shiksha sansthan

He is telling that the admission form for class 10th and 12th has arrived. Anyone who faces difficulty in admission can contact on that number. He has given his number.

He want to know how he check time of ITEL phone , he used Itel phone

He wants to know how to register and study in School Art Home.

They need a number where they can call and listen to the news.

He wants to know whether it is necessary to have a name in the ration card to get disabled pension.

He Given Information about Dehradun NIBH contact number for braille Book