Hello I am komathi from kongaravalai village. I listened to the alert call by listening to this I learned how to do proper first aid. Earlier we hesitate to do first aid as we don’t know about that but now I can able to do the proper first aid to the person. Through the 10 scenes we learned to do first aid and we ask others also to listen to the alert call after listening to the call they also learned to do first aid. Earlier when something bites our hand we suck our hand but after listening to the call I learned that we should not do that, we learned that we should not give water to the person who is unconscious, through the alert call now we can able to do the first aid. Also, I learned that when we have called the first emergency we have to wait for them and should not call them when we have already given first aid to the injured person. All the scenes of the alert call are useful we will make sure that everyone in the village knows about it. Thank You