Person 1: Only after lock down due to corona, I am realising the need and importance of ration card sir!! P2: From when is this ration card system existing? Vallimuthu: In our country, that is in India, in the year 1964-65 grains production was 89.4 million ton. In the year 1965-66 it reduced to 72.3 million ton. This has led to starvation in the country. So poor people shouldn't get affected because of this, hence in the year 1966 November 16, ration card scheme was introduced. P1: So, November 16th is ration card's birthday. Vallimuthu: Keep it like that!! celebrate!!! But all families didnt get ration card at that time. In the year 1969, M. Karunidhi became CM and during his period, in the year 1972 civil supply corporation was started. Through that, in the year 1975 all families in TN are given ration cards. P2: Just like a kid is joined to school after completing 5 years, the scheme which was introduced in the year 1966, reached people after 9 years, in the years 1975. P1: Sir, what kind of uniform was given to ration card? Vallimuthu: What? Uniform for ration card? P2: It is said some kind of colored ration right!! Thats what she is asking. Vallimuthu: Oh that one!!! Just like in the beginning kids wont have uniforms even the ration card had no colors. P1: The card holders should have covered with any type of colored covers. Vallimuthu: Only now, green, white, blue and khaki colored are given. P2: So there are ration cards in green, white, blue and khaki colors? P1: Sir sir, I have white ration card, but I like blue color. Can I change it to blue color?? Vallimuthu: This is not a ribbon so that you can change it according to your saree color. P1: Sir, you only said that there are green, white and other colored cards. Vallimuthu: Then ask why is it so? P1: Why??? Vallimuthu: Rather me saying about it, why the cards are in green, white, blue and khaki color, lets ask our audience. So what is the reason for given ration card in different colors. What color denotes what? A caller who gives right answer will be rewarded. The answer should be given before next Thursday and you should not copy the next person.