ID NO: 2313537, 2313472, 2313673 There are farm work, 100days job, Construction work, company work in our village. I go for 100 days work. During corona we didnt had any work. Now we have work for 2 days and 2 days we will not have work. Company workers have work. Company workers are going in their company van. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I am Saroja. I am a cooley worker. My husband works in farm. Work is irregular. During corona VIzhithugal gave Rs.2000. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I am Thangal. I have registered in welfare board from last 16 years. I am a street vendor. I have got scholarship for my daughter. Also got Rs.5000 for my daughter's marriage. And Rs.3000 for my son's marriage. Its really useful. I request everyone to join welfare board.