id- 2273415,2273289.2273217,2272661 I am Ambika from Palanikampalayam. Yesterday I attended BLBC meeting. Last week panchayath head has attended a meeting and there they were told about child labour. Panchayath head shared about it with us. He said children are not ale to tell their own address. We should teach children about their address and childline number 1098. This will be useful if they are missing. I request all parents to teach our village, area and phone number. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am Amutha. yesterday I attended child welfare meeting. There we discussed about child labour, child marriage. And also we did social mapping. On October 2ne people are planning to give petition. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am Rajeshwari from yammamundi. today BLCBC meeting was conducted. In the meeting they spoke about child safety. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I am Sangeetha from Ku.Indira nagar. In the meeting they discussed about girl child education, child marriage and children should be safe at home during corona. Also we have decided to give petition on October 2nd gram sabha. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am Sandhya. Village level child welfare meeting was conducted. VAO, anganwadi workers sanitation workers took part and spoke about child safety.