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I work in mill. PF and ESI is deducted from my salary. I know about PF. But regarding ESI, we dont go to hospital. But they deducting money for ESI. WIll they give us the money back? Please explain about ESI.

General health tips

Recently they said its 1 year for 1 child. But as far as I know its 6months for 2 children. According to 1961 Maternity benefit Act, its 6months compulsory leave. Even in private concerns, it should be paid leave for 6 months. For those who come under ESI benefits, either ESI or the company will give leave. In IT companies they give medical benefits and insurance benefits so they wont deduct ESI but in the Production industry, they deduct ESI but employees never get ESI card and employees never know where the money goes.

If a person has chronic diseases like Cancer, heart problem, brain tumor he can take treatment in any big hospitals and ESI will reimburse it. This benefit is very useful for a normal poor worker. Many workers got benefits from this by taking treatment in big hospitals. A normal poor worker can never imagine of taking treatment in corporate hospital. Everything is package sytem now. They need to spend 2 to 3 lakhs. Recently one retired transport worker had a clot in the brain. He had sever headache. and we took him to corporate hospital. Without opening skull with some latest drilling technique they did a surgery and the operation went for 1 hour. They charged Rs. 6lakh for the operation. He is retired now, so he cannot get ESI benefit. They took loans and managed it. If at all he was in service he should have got ESI benefit.

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ESI Disable benefits explained by CITU Vice President Latha: Employee is eligible to get 50% of his last salary as pension. If a person meets with accident and doctor certifies that he is 100% handicapped he is eligible to get 100% of his salary as pension till his lifetime. It is common for both male and female workers.